Thursday, September 5, 2013

Google Plus is replacing Google Places!

7 Simple Powerful Reasons For Google Plus

Google Plus is a new face of social media, web strategy and internet marketing campaigns. When Google announced Google Plus almost everyone said “another social network?“, but 12 months later it has increased in popularity and has passed 300 million registered users.

1. Google Plus forms an awesome platform for both the business people and the average user. It is easy for your viewers to share your awesome content on the network if they like it. Google Plus share is equivalent to a Facebook like. Like Facebook, Google Plus will try to find your contacts and add them to your circles, discreetly.

2. Another key feature of Google Plus is that you can follow people and their content in a single group or different groups; this allows you to create a group of people sharing the same interest on your particular topic.
3. Another advantage of Google Plus is that if your content is shared on Google Plus, it gives a positive signal to the Google search engine that your content is quality content and helps you achieve a high ranking.

4. Circles: In Google Plus “Circles” is the equivalent of Facebook “Groups”. This allows you to place all your contacts in different circles such as clients, colleagues, affiliates etc. When you post certain content you can choose the different circles where you want it to be displayed. What you publish on Google Plus that is visible and public tells Google you are relevant. But without comments, it falls on deaf Google ears.

5. Hangouts: This is where you can create your own video chat rooms with up to 9 participants. This is a great place to educate your clients, share ideas with peers or tell client stories and case studies. Google Plus has made this easy to do. This feature has forced Facebook to up its game and produce an equivalent feature. Think about the time-saving AWESOME customer service you can provide with this feature – FREE! Think outside the box for a moment – think of the possibilities… Live face-to-face video on the web is transforming customer service, much like the computer did for authors; saving a tree or two in the process. All that traffic from your Google Plus page, Google Gold.

6. Search Engine Friendly: Because Google controls this social platform Google uses it for capturing signals for their search engines. This captured data will enable them to serve up more personalized data to its search users and paid Google “Adwords aka Pay Per Click aka PPC” clients. The advantage to your firm participating on Google Plus is that you are providing content and information that will improve your search engine results (sometime called SEO or Google Gold.). For those of you who participate in pay per click campaigns, this can lower your cost per click.

You can also rely on these organic search traffic results to drive free traffic to your site because 90% of all search results happen when your website appears on the first page of Google. Do we have to say that is important? Ok, one more time - well that is just more Google Gold.

7. Yeah, It is Google Gold!
Google sees Google Plus as the lynchpin for the future of an inevitable increasing social web. The investment by Google in Google Plus of over half a billion dollars provides a hint as to how important Google sees Google Plus in the future of the internet.

What do you think about the change from Google Places to Google Plus?
I would love to hear your comments.

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